The earth really belongs to the Lord and the fullness there of including people in it and all that occupies it belongs to the Lord. But as we confess it with our mouth and believing in our heart, we move from the level of affirmation to the level of revelation. Revelation is when God himself speaks into your heart that the earth really belongs to him so let us say it again that the earth belongs to the Lord. It therefore implies that as we have the revelation of it, then it demands for our consecration in order to be able to partner with the Lord knowing fully well that the earth belongs to him. Therefore the will of Lord must be done on earth meaning that the will of the Lord must be perfected in earth even as it is done in heaven. Having this revelation from God, then it demands our consecration and it is from the consecration that we can enter into the point of implementation.
A deep revelation of this will definitely mark a turning point in our life. Every ordination opportunity is an opportunity of a turning point in any body’s life. It is a time to encounter God not a time for just mere celebration. It is a time to think of manifestations, a time to think of God giving you an opportunity to hold him again. The Bible says, “there is none that calleth upon the Lord and there is none that steered up himself to take a hold of God”, therefore it is indeed an opportunity that no matter what you have been doing before or how you have beeng operating, now you have been given an opportunity to come before God and for the hand to be laid upon you to become separated to him, set apart and be licensed to operate for him. And with that kind of opportunity you can say,“Lord I am back to you completely to fulfill the purpose for which you created me”.
Today I am expecting someone to receive a special activation of what I call the Global anointing so that your eyes can go just beyond your local privilege and you will know that this earth belong to God and the Redeemed Christian Church of God was set up by God for the whole world and you are a partner in this. You see global service and global ministry is a possibility for you, it is a possibility for every one of us. But there comes a time in a man’s life, God in his special way touches someone and the person’s life becomes turned around and a new beginning comes forth and that which is mere possibility becomes reality.
I will like you to get these facts. Having known that the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness there of, what God want us to identify with is the kind of heart He has towards the earth. For God so loved the earth, that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believed in him should not perish but shall have everlasting life (John3:16). This verse must be burning in our heart and in our bones and you must not only say that the earth is the Lord’s but you must also live it. It will affect your attitude, your life style, your language and it will form a habit in you that will begin to rule your life. You see yourself as a co-worker with God in taking care of the earth and the people in it that belongs to Him.
The Redeemed Christian Church of God is part of God’s master plan to reach the whole world and it is a privilege for you to be part of this mission (RCCG). As you have been ordained today, you have been licensed, to be significantly identified as someone who is authorized fully to operate fully in the Redeemed Christian Church of God. This day you don’t need to travel far to impart the world. You can even be in your room and be imparting the world especially through the use of internet and it becomes viral affecting all the people who listen to it across the globe.
To be a global figure, there is need for you to have a deeper knowledge of the vision that God Almighty has set before us and be committed to it. Vision demands consecration. When God gives a revelation what he is only calling for is consecration, hence when God shows you something He wants you to be committed to it. It therefore implies that anybody who understands the vision of God for the whole world should submit himself for consecration. Really, the earth is so big but we can only contribute our quota when we return and submit ourselves to God who makes the heaven and the earth. Any minister in the Redeemed Christian Church of God who is not committed to global mission is short sighted because the vision of this mission is a global vision just like the vision of our Lord Jesus. You need to see beyond yourself. By the virtue of this ordination, you are now part of this global vision which the RCCG represents. It is not a choice; you are already in it. And the Lord Almighty will help you in this global assignment.
You will also need to unplug your inner ear so that you can hear what God is saying. Some of us are hard in hearing as a result of what we often listen to but I pray for you that the almighty God through the words you are hearing now and as we pray this unction, anointing and grace will work for you, work in you, work around you and through you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This kind of anointing that God wants to give to you is the type that will open doors for you as an individual and open the globe to you. When we hear what God says with our inner ear, our mentality will change, our thinking pattern changes and there is nothing that changes our mentality as much and as quickly as having the revelation of the word of God.
You are ordained today to embrace the vision statement of RCCG which is to make heaven and to take as many as possible along and also ensure every family of the world has at least a Redeemed member and plant churches within 5 minutes drive; this is a global vision. No wonder the mission is already in over 180 countries of the world; this is to tell you that indeed RCCG Is truly a global mission.
Another fact you need to know is that you must not miss your day of visitation. I am saying this because there are some who do not know their day of visitation. I tell you we are right now at a time of global favour and that is what the Lord has called you into. It is important for you to listen to what God is saying to you; that you are a vessel for global vision. Brethren, God is calling you to a global vision that demands your commitment; that is what God is calling in to.
Also, you need to know that what is central to mission is power. The vision is what you see, the commission is the authority you are given to implement at least part of what you see. Think of today as God placing a demand on power in your life. If we are saying the earth is the Lord’s, it’s not so simple. Remember the devil is there, the flesh is there and the world is there and that is why we need power. That is why the last thing our Lord Jesus said to the disciples was that “you shall receive power”. That is the central issue in a commission and that is the central demand of any commission. When God tells you go and do this, what you need to do is to ask for the power to carry out the mission.
Another significant fact is that right from when you are born again, you are born into the characteristics of God. You are born into the nature of God, you are born into the power of God, you are born into the wisdom of God and you are born to be covered by the glory of God. All these have to do with power. The nature of God demands power; you need power to be holy, you need power to live a sanctified life and you need power to walk with God. This is because miracles require power, divine wisdom requires power that is superior to the power of the world, and hence power is central to the commission. This ordination is a commissioning service that God has given to you. The first, the last and the important thing, the central thing that should consume your heart and your thought is power.
There are some signs of the believers; these signs shall follow them that believe. As you have been ordained today, take it as a mandatory thing that as I am ordained today the signs of the believers must be activated in my life. These signs shall follow them that believe in my name they will cast out devil, they will speak with new tongue, they will take up serpent, if they drink any poisonous thing it shall not hurt them, they will lay their hand on the sick and they shall recovered. Make it mandatory in your own life that the signs of the believers must be made manifest in your family, in your parish and in your community.
Another vital fact is that we need to believe God for greater works and not be contented with what you have seen, nor heard nor the testimonies you have heard. There are greater works to be done. Let us believe God that He will use us to achieve this great task. Do not allow anybody to hinder you with undue comparison rather measure yourself with the Lord Jesus and not with any other person.
Also, you must know this that regardless of your anointing, there will still be persecution. Don’t think everything ends at the mountain top. As you come down, there are challenges waiting for you but we are more than conqueror through him that loved us.
Power without wisdom is equivalent to a very good car that can run but has no brake. It is disastrous. So also is zeal without knowledge a very terrible thing. The reason we must focus on wisdom is that sustainable revivals are the greatest expansion forces. Nothing expands the kingdom of God like sustainable revival thus making the ministry to flourish. It is foolishness that kills revival. Sometimes ago, I was invited by an organization to speak on how the world can hinder revival and I told them that the world can not hinder revival. I said, “The only way the world can hinder revival is to become part of the church thus making the church worldly and the world churchy”. Hence, the church becomes worldly, and the world now behaves like the church so that they can penetrate the church. This union has the capacity to quench revival in the church. Apart from this, there is no other way the world can stop revival. In fact, the worst that the world can do is to spread the revival. This is because they persecute the church and they scatter it and anywhere the saints run to, they keep the reviving fire burning. The revival fire once it is in your bone, you are unstoppable
Sustainable expansion of the gospel is based on spiritual decency, order, authority, leadership and cooperative network. Anything outside of these is foolishness and foolishness would hinder the work.
Wisdom to help not to diminish in the work of the ministry includes:
Beware of the Hypocrites according to Matthew 23 which says, “woe unto you Pharisees and Sadducees”. To enjoy sustainable work with God, you have to detach yourself from the world. Be transparent even when you are doing what is wrong, as long as you are transparent it would be easier to correct you than when you are covering up and not being sincere.“He that covereth his sins shall not prosper but he that confesseth and forsake them shall obtain mercy”.
The end does not justify the means otherwise Samuel would have congratulated Saul when God said, “Saul destroy everything in Amalek but he left the best according to his own opinion and therefore God said, “rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and to obey is better than sacrifice”. It does not matter the pedigree of the philosopher that put up the philosophy; the end does not justify the means.
Obey and you will be obeyed. If you obey those who are in charge now, you will be obeyed in the future. Beware God cannot be mocked. Whatsoever a man sows, so shall he reap. The deacon should obey the A/Pastor and the A/P should obey the full pastors and so on and so forth.
No confusionist is spiritual because confusion is carnal and God is not the author of confusion. Therefore anybody causing confusion anywhere is not spiritual. He is carnal and fleshy. Such a person might be operating under the influence of demon. Therefore if you find yourself in this category, go back to God and amend your ways.
Be simple-minded and whole hearted in any assignment you might be given because a double minded individual cannot receive anything from God. Whatever you are given to do, do it whole heartedly without any reservation in mind. Whatever Daddy asks you to do, know that it realizable. You just go in faith; never murmur. Commit yourself into it and you shall be fulfilled.
Timidity is not spirituality. Some of us are very shy and we think that shyness is spirituality. No, it is not. God revealed to me that shyness is not a good cover for failure. A failure should accept that he is a failure and be ready to have a change of attitude toward overcoming your failure and incompetency.
RCCG cannot win the whole world alone. There is one God, there is one Lord, one body, one faith, one baptism and one heaven. So, RCCG needs other members of the body of Christ to win the whole world and they also need us as well. We are interdependent on one another and that is how we can win the whole world.
Over structuring and over administration; the solution to this is to do your best to be promoted as a result of anointing rather than eye service. Isolating from the body of Christ is never a solution.
Being Pastor Charles Achonwa’s message delivered during the 63rd Convention ordination service of Deacon and Deaconesses at the Redemption Camp.