Nutritional Management of Gastroduodenal Ulcer

Gastroduodenal Ulcer is a discontinuity of the mucous membrane lining the interior of the stomach or duodenum. It may be due to some causes such as: excess stomach acid, irritation, certain micro-organism and stress.

Irritation could come from substances such as spices, alcoholic beverages, coffee, carbonated beverages, aspirin and tobacco. Stress is one of the common causes of gastroduodenal ulcer which causes vasoconstriction, and reduced the supply of blood to the gastric mucosa, leaving it unprotected.

It has been found out that some of our traditional remedies for ulcer are without basis and are not medically advised, such as drinking excess amount of milk helps in curing ulcer but today it is known that milk can raise acidic level of the grastro intestinal track. One should avoid eating fiber or raw foods that if they are well chewed, they protect against ulcers.

Food to consume more by gastroduodenal ulcer patients


All types of cabbage have a cauterizing and anti-inflammatory effect on the gastric mucosa. it is effective regardless of how it is prepared.


They are nutritious, antacid, smoothing and sedating. Thus they are identified as basic food, but fried form of this food should be avoided.


Oats has the same function with potatoes and serves as the principal food during acute phase of gastroduodenal ulcer and promote cicatrization (healing) of the mucosa.


This is a flour or semolina made from the tuber of the cassava, it is very rich in mucilage that protects and smoothen the interior of digestive tract. It also prevents recurrence of ulcers.


This is very nutritious vegetable containing mucilage capable of protecting the digestive mucosa and promoting cicatrization of ulcers. It should be eaten with viscous juice released during cooking.


Experiment has shown that polyunsaturated fatty acids found in vegetable oils stop the proliferation of helicobater pylori bacteria which is considered an important causal factor in gastritis and ulcers. These oils must replace our animal-based fat.


Its healing effect has a positive effect on gastroduodenal ulcer. It contain antibiotic substances which is able to combat certain germs causing ulcer.


There is a consistent and established epidemiological evidence that a diet low in fiber and rich in refined products increases the risk of gastroduodenal ulcer. Fiber is found to be primarily in whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits. Regular consumption of these foods protects against ulcers.


It helps to maintain proper condition of the body’s mucosa and is necessary in the healing process. Foods such as carrots, green leafy vegetables and mango are among the best sources of pro-vitamin A which the body converts to vitamin A as needed.