What is the Best Diet for a Congregation

What is the Best Diet for a Congregation

The diet of a congregation includes the foods that human beings evolved to eat. These foods are what enzymes, teeth as well as the intestines can process. In the past, people never used to eat sugars, dairy products and hybridized grains. They ate gathered plants, fish, eggs and some fruits. Surprisingly, no vegetable oils, feedlot meat and chemicals were used. However, members of a congregation will eat junk food whenever it is available. Although sugars and hybridized grains are junk meals, companies processing them make them hyperpalatable so that human beings can crave for them and overeat.

The Best Diet Controls Insulin

The best diet for members controls insulin. This is because members of the congregation did not evolve to use more insulin since they never over ate carbs. Nevertheless, starchy foods and modern sugars cause members to produce more insulin. As a result, the insulin cells develop resistance and are unable to the nutrients carried by insulin. This affects members since excess fats are stored around the waist due to weight gain. Moreover, the levels of oestrogen increase and the joints start hurting due to the extra weight.

Should Members Tolerate Dairy Products?

Milking of the Camel and horse were the first practices of producing milk when domestication began. However, if domestication started 10,000 years ago, there would be a very short time for species to adapt to casein and lactose in milk. Consequently, members crave for fat such as fatty cream and butter which is highly desirable to them. Ghee is counted as the only pure dairy product by some members. Conversely, the pastor for instance can prefer aged cheese of butter while other members prefer yogurt, kefir and milk too. However, taking dairy products every now and then is not recommended. Therefore, it is important that members alternate the number of times they take dairy products and other types of meals.

Are Grains Safe When Introduced in the Diet?

In many cases, grains are termed as the seeds of grass. Grain products include rice and corn which can be turned into bread, sushi and chips. Although many people grain products for breakfast, an everyday intake is not recommended. There are two main reasons why the congregation should avoid regular inclusion of grain products in the diet.

Human beings have a distinct digestive system which is different from that of other animals such as the cows. These are animals which evolved to eat forage and seeds. The forage is then fermented in the stomach of the animals in different chambers. On the contrary, the human stomach is not designed as that of the animals. As a result, grain products can ferment in the guts of members and cause bloating, constipation or diarrhea. Secondly, grains have advanced defense which prevent animals from eating them. Therefore, when included in a congregation diet, the seeds can produce toxic chemicals when taken by members.

Since foods such as fish and meat are being affected by metals today, members need to embark on taking a natural diet. However, it involves an informed choice, slow to prepare and is viewed as odd by members of the congregation.