Taking care of a baby

Taking care of a baby is never as feasible as some might think. It’s a two-handed job that prevents you from attending to grocery, laundry, and even shopping. If your baby is fussy and craves attention, then a baby carrier might be what you need. It helps you go on with your day minus having to sit down on a rocking chair all day.

Do you need a baby carrier?

Getting a baby carrier isn’t necessary for any parent—you could either get a stroller or a swing chair to nurse a child. However, unlike the above products, a baby carrier is the only gear that allows you to go about your day. It’s a favorite baby product for most parents, no matter the brand. All in all, a baby carrier gives your hands a break and is the best sub for a stroller.

At what age can I stop using a carrier?

Most parents only use a carrier when the child is six months or so. However, this does not fully make use of a carrier. A baby carrier can serve you into the toddler stage or until your child wants to walk.

What are the types of baby carriers available, and how do I choose one?

  • Structured carriers:Structured carriers are more like a backpack with straps, a carrier, a lumbar support pad, and a pocket. The straps go over your shoulders and can be adjusted to suit the wearer. The lumbar support pad is a soft cushion that offers comfort to your back if you are using the carrier on your torso. Last but not least, the pocket is a zipped pouch that allows you to carry accessories around.
  • Wraps:Are long pieces of stretchy fabric that you consider and tie around your body. Wraps go over your shoulder to your body’s mid-section to form a carrier like structure that supports the child. Most wraps come in different prints and can be worn either on the back or front, depending on your preference.
  • Slings:Slings are similar to wraps since they go over the shoulder and across your upper body. However, they differ from wraps since they are not as stretch and only go over one shoulder. Slings can either be used at the back or front and are best for toddlers, not children below six months.

All in all, choosing a carrier is up to you and what’s comfortable for you and your child. To start, go through the various review and baby pack companies and go for the product with the highest review.

The bottom line

Shopping for a baby carrier is a pretty overwhelming task. There are numerous options, opinions, and things to consider. Luckily, after all the research invested in this article, we can confidently recommend the above carriers for safety, comfort, and, most importantly, convenience.